Take Action

You can support the fight for human rights in the field of mental health by doing any of the following:


CCHR volunteers perform vital roles in our crusade. We have more than 235 chapters in 34 countries, and all would benefit from the gift of your time. It’s a rewarding way to get involved.

      Some areas of interest might be:

  • CCHR Investigators raise public awareness about abuses in the field of mental health. We can train someone with a passion to become an investigator.
  •  Inform others by distributing CCHR’s publications (books, electronic newsletters, booklets and pamphlets).

If you would like to support CCHR Silicon Valley by volunteering, contact us or call 800-330-7290.

Report Abuse

It is important to report psychiatric abuse. Without the courageous help of the abused and their friends and relatives, we would not have made such great strides to stamp out human rights violations in the mental health system.  You can report mental health human rights abuse using the form or call us at 800-330-7290  


CCHR Silicon Valley is a 501(c)(3) organization that depends upon supporters’ donations. Memberships are available, and all donations are welcome (and tax‐deductible)!  Go to donate button to the right of  this page to donate using Network for Good.  You can also mail a check to CCHR Silicon Valley, P O Box 40128, San Jose, CA 95157.

Put Me on Your Action Alert List

As a result of CCHR’s efforts, numerous legal safeguards and protections against psychiatry’s coercive practices, damaging treatments and criminal acts have been achieved. Receive notifications from CCHR when actions are needed for such things as legislative reform, letters to the editor, etc.

Thank you for taking a stand!












Report Abuse


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